
· ☕ 5 分钟
Brendan Gregg 加入 Intel

gdb 调试 istio proxy (envoy)
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出于各种原因,需要 debug istio-proxy (envoy),记录一下步骤,希望地球上的有缘人有用。

2022年书目推荐 —— 来自 goto podcast
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前言 不知不觉,口罩一戴就是两年。快到年底了,是时候翻开年初写的总结和计划,看看那个梦想中的自我和实现中的自我的距离了。如果看完这个距离,还是

搞笑码农英语排行榜 S1E1
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缘起 还记得 15 年前,外企还是相当部分程序员的向往。而 2021 了,情况有了相当大的变化。开源界也有相当多的国人开源项目和文档了。所以很多新码农开始提出

一个IP包的旅行 —— K8s 网络之 Calico 浅度解构
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前言 学习 Kubernetes 就像玩动作游戏,当我高高兴兴地打败了一关的 BOSS 后总以为是大结局了,谁知道后面还有更大的BOSS 出现。 当我以为学习完容器化、Linux

Benchmark Tools
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CPU Benchmark The SysBench system benchmark suite has a simple CPU benchmark tool that calculates prime numbers. For example: # sysbench --num-threads=8 --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=100000 run sysbench 0.4.12: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark Running the test with following options: Number of threads: 8 Doing CPU performance benchmark Threads started! Done. Maximum prime number checked in CPU test: 100000 Test execution summary: total time: 30.4125s total number of events: 10000 total time taken by event execution: 243.

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Jobs SIGHUP 默认动作:Terminate 可能动作:Terminate, Ignore, Function call 当检测到 hangup 时,UART 驱动会向整个 session 发送 SIGHUP 信号。 正常情况下,这会 kill 掉所有

Awesome load test tools
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k6 https://github.com/k6io/k6 Locust https://docs.locust.io/en/stable/what-is-locust.html gatling https://gatling.io/docs/current/http/http_request/ artillery https://artillery.io/docs/guides/overview/welcome.html wrk https://github.com/wg/wrk

Java 内置 Class Loader
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内置 Classloader Class loaders load classes and resources present on their respective classpath: System or application class loaders load classes from the application classpath Extension class loaders search on the Extension classpath (JRE/lib/ext) Bootstrap class loader looks on the Bootstrap classpath (JRE/lib/rt.jar) We can customize the default class loading behavior as well. We can explicitly specify the class loader while loading a class dynamically. However, we should note that