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Overriding repositories from the command line

To override a declared repository with a local repository from the command line, use the --override_repository flag. Using this flag changes the contents of external repositories without changing your source code.

For example, to override @foo to the local directory /path/to/local/foo, pass the --override_repository=foo=/path/to/local/foo flag.

Some of the use cases include:

  • Debugging issues. For example, you can override a http_archive repository to a local directory where you can make changes more easily.
  • Vendoring. If you are in an environment where you cannot make network calls, override the network-based repository rules to point to local directories instead.

Using proxies

Bazel will pick up proxy addresses from the HTTPS_PROXY and HTTP_PROXY environment variables and use these to download HTTP/HTTPS files (if specified).

Caching of external dependencies

By default, Bazel will only re-download external dependencies if their definition changes. Changes to files referenced in the definition (e.g., patches or BUILD files) are also taken into account by bazel.

To force a re-download, use bazel sync.


Mark Zhu
Mark Zhu
An old developer