本文目标:说明 Envoy 连接控制相关参数作用。以及在临界异常情况下的细节逻辑。目标是如何减少连接异常而引起的服务访问失败,提高服务成功率。
近期为解决一个生产环境中的 Istio Gateway 连接偶尔 Reset 问题,研究了一下 Envoy/Kernel 在 socket 连接关闭上的事。其中包括 Envoy 的连接管理相关参数和 Linux 系统网络编程的细节。写本文以备忘。
封面简介:《硅谷(Silicon Valley)》
《硅谷》是一部美国喜剧电视连续剧,由迈克·贾奇、约翰·阿尔舒勒和戴夫·克林斯基创作。 它于 2014 年 4 月 6 日在 HBO 首播,并于 2019 年 12 月 8 日结束,共 53 集。该系列模仿了硅谷的技术行业文化,重点讲述了创建一家名为
Pied Piper
的初创公司的程序员 Richard Hendricks,并记录了他在面对来自更大实体的竞争时维持公司的努力。该系列因其写作和幽默而受到好评。 它获得了无数荣誉提名,包括连续五次获得黄金时段艾美奖杰出喜剧系列提名。
我在 2018 年看过这部连续剧。当时英文水平有限,能听懂的只有 F*** 的单词。但透过屏幕,还是可以感受到一群有创业激情的如何各展所能,去应对一个又一个挑战的过程。在某种程度上,满足我这种现实世界无法完成的愿望。
Based on a patented ‘inside-out’ mechanism, this lightweight ball changes colors when it is flipped in the air. The Switch Pitch entered the market in 2001 and has been in continuous production since then. The toy won the Oppenheim Platinum Award for Design and has been featured numerous times on HBO’s
Silicon Valley
好了,写篇技术文章需要那么长的引子吗?是的,这文章有点长和枯燥,正所谓 TL;DR 。
大家知道,所有重网络的应用,包括 Envoy 在内,都有玩随机 SWITCH PITCH BALL
可以来源于一个特别慢的对端,可以来源于特别小的网络 MTU,或者是特别大的 HTTP Body,一个特别长的 Http Keepalive 连接,甚至一个实现不规范的 Http Client。
Envoy 连接生命周期管理
Upstream/Downstream 连接解藕
HTTP/1.1 规范有这个设计:
HTTP Proxy 是 L7 层的代理,应该和 L3/L4 层的连接生命周期分开。
所以,像从 Downstream 来的 Connection: Close
、 Connection: Keepalive
这种 Header, Envoy 不会 Forward 到 Upstream 。 Downstream 连接的生命周期,当然会遵从 Connection: xyz
的指示控制。但 Upstream 的连接生命周期不会被 Downstream 的连接生命周期影响。 即,这是两个独立的连接生命周期管理。
Github Issue: HTTP filter before and after evaluation of Connection: Close header sent by upstream#15788 说明了这个问题:
This doesn’t make sense in the context of Envoy, where downstream and upstream are decoupled and can use different protocols. I’m still not completely understanding the actual problem you are trying to solve?
图:Envoy 连接 timeout 时序线
(Duration) The idle timeout for connections. The idle timeout is defined as the period in which there are no active requests. When the idle timeout is reached the connection will be closed. If the connection is an HTTP/2 downstream connection a drain sequence will occur prior to closing the connection, see drain_timeout. Note that request based timeouts mean that HTTP/2 PINGs will not keep the connection alive. If not specified, this defaults to 1 hour. To disable idle timeouts explicitly set this to 0.
Disabling this timeout has a highly likelihood of yielding connection leaks due to lost TCP FIN packets, etc.
If the overload action “envoy.overload_actions.reduce_timeouts” is configured, this timeout is scaled for downstream connections according to the value for HTTP_DOWNSTREAM_CONNECTION_IDLE.
(Duration) The maximum duration of a connection. The duration is defined as a period since a connection was established. If not set, there is no max duration. When max_connection_duration
is reached and if there are no active streams, the connection will be closed. If the connection is a downstream connection and there are any active streams, the drain sequence
will kick-in, and the connection will be force-closed after the drain period. See drain_timeout.
Github Issue: http: Allow upper bounding lifetime of downstream connections #8302
Github PR: upstream: support max connection duration for upstream HTTP connections #17932
Github Issue: Forward Connection:Close header to downstream#14910
For HTTP/1, Envoy will send aConnection: close
header aftermax_connection_duration
if another request comes in. If not, after some period of time, it will just close the connection.https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/14910#issuecomment-773434342
Note that
isn’t (yet) implemented/supported for downstream connections.For HTTP/1, Envoy will send a
Connection: close
header aftermax_connection_duration
前) if another request comes in. If not, after some period of time, it will just close the connection.I don’t know what your downstream LB is going to do, but note that according to the spec, the
header is hop-by-hop for HTTP proxies.
(UInt32Value) Optional maximum requests for both upstream and downstream connections. If not specified, there is no limit. Setting this parameter to 1 will effectively disable keep alive. For HTTP/2 and HTTP/3, due to concurrent stream processing, the limit is approximate.
Github Issue: Forward Connection:Close header to downstream#14910
We are having this same issue when using istio (istio/istio#32516). We are migrating to use istio with envoy sidecars frontend be an AWS ELB. We see that connections from ELB -> envoy stay open even when our application is sending
Connection: Close
works but does not seem to be the best option. Our applications are smart enough to know when they are overloaded from a client and sendConnection: Close
to shard load.I tried writing an envoy filter to get around this but the filter gets applied before the stripping. Did anyone discover a way to forward the connection close header?
drain_timeout - for downstream only
(Duration) The time that Envoy will wait between sending an HTTP/2 “shutdown notification” (GOAWAY frame with max stream ID) and a final GOAWAY frame. This is used so that Envoy provides a grace period for new streams that race with the final GOAWAY frame. During this grace period, Envoy will continue to accept new streams.
After the grace period, a final GOAWAY frame is sent and Envoy will start refusing new streams. Draining occurs both when:
a connection hits the
idle timeout
计时器。对于 HTTP/1.1,在draining
状态下。如果 downstream 过来请求,Envoy 都在响应中加入Connection: close
header。 -
or during general server draining.
The default grace period is 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds) if this option is not specified.
By default, the
HTTP connection manager filter
will add “Connection: close
” to HTTP1 requests(笔者注:By HTTP Response), send HTTP2 GOAWAY, and terminate connections on request completion (after the delayed close period).
我曾经认为, drain 只在 Envoy 要 shutdown 时才触发。现在看来,只要是有计划的关闭连接(连接到达 idle_timeout
或 max_connection_duration
后),都应该走 drain 流程。
delayed_close_timeout - for downstream only
(Duration) The delayed close timeout is for downstream connections managed by the HTTP connection manager. It is defined as a grace period after connection close processing has been locally initiated during which Envoy will wait for the peer to close (i.e., a TCP FIN/RST is received by Envoy from the downstream connection) prior to Envoy closing the socket associated with that connection。
即系在一些场景下,Envoy 会在未完全读取完 HTTP Request 前,就回写 HTTP Response 且希望关闭连接。这叫 服务端过早关闭连接(Server Prematurely/Early Closes Connection)
- downstream 还在发送 HTTP Reqest 当中(socket write)。
- 或者是 Envoy 的 kernel 中,还有
socket recv buffer
未被 Envoy user-space 进取。通常是 HTTP Conent-Lentgh 大小的 BODY 还在内核的socket recv buffer
中,未完整加载到 Envoy user-space
这两种情况下, 如果 Envoy 调用 close(fd)
去关闭连接, downstream 均可能会收到来自 Envoy kernel 的 RST
。最终 downstream 可能不会 read socket 中的 HTTP Response 就直接认为连接异常,向上层报告异常:Peer connection rest
为缓解这种情况,Envoy 提供了延后关闭连接的配置。希望等待 downstream 完成 socket write 的过程。让 kernel socket recv buffer
数据都加载到 user space
中。再去调用 close(fd)
NOTE: This timeout is enforced even when the socket associated with the downstream connection is pending a flush of the write buffer. However, any progress made writing data to the socket will restart the timer associated with this timeout. This means that the total grace period for a socket in this state will be <total_time_waiting_for_write_buffer_flushes>+<delayed_close_timeout>
即系,每次 write socket 成功,这个 timer 均会被 rest.
Delaying Envoy’s connection close and giving the peer the opportunity to initiate the close sequence mitigates(缓解) a race condition that exists when downstream clients do not drain/process data in a connection’s receive buffer after a remote close has been detected via a socket write(). 即系,可以缓解 downsteam 在 write socket 失败后,就不去 read socket 取 Response 的情况。
This race leads to such clients failing to process the response code sent by Envoy, which could result in erroneous downstream processing.
If the timeout triggers, Envoy will close the connection’s socket.
The default timeout is 1000 ms if this option is not specified.
To be useful in avoiding the race condition described above, this timeout must be set to at least
+<100ms to account for a reasonable “worst” case processing time for a full iteration of Envoy’s event loop>.
A value of 0 will completely disable delayed close processing. When disabled, the downstream connection’s socket will be closed immediately after the write flush is completed or will never close if the write flush does not complete.
需要注意的是,为了不影响性能,delayed_close_timeout 在很多情况下是不会生效的:
Github PR: http: reduce delay-close issues for HTTP/1.1 and below #19863
Skipping delay close for:
HTTP/1.0 framed by connection close (as it simply reduces time to end-framing)
as well as HTTP/1.1 if the request is fully read (so there’s no FIN-RST race)。即系如果
Addresses the Envoy-specific parts of #19821
Runtime guard:envoy.reloadable_features.skip_delay_close
同时出现在 Envoy 1.22.0 的 Release Note 里:
http: avoiding
- HTTP/1.0 responses framed by
connection: close
- as well as HTTP/1.1 if the request is fully read.
This means for responses to such requests, the FIN will be sent immediately after the response. This behavior can be temporarily reverted by setting
to false. If clients are seen to be receiving sporadic partial responses and flipping this flag fixes it, please notify the project immediately.
Envoy 连接关闭后的竞态条件
由于下面使用到了 socket 一些比较底层和冷门的知识点。如 close socket 的一些临界状态和异常逻辑。如果不太了解,建议先阅读我写的:
《Mark’s DevOps 雜碎》 中 《Socket Close/Shutdown 的临界状态与异常逻辑》 一文。
Envoy 与 Downstream/Upstream 连接状态不同步
以下大部分情况,算是个发生可能性低的 race condition。但,在大流量下,再少的可能性也是有遇到的时候。Design For Failure
Downstream 向 Envoy 关闭中的连接发送请求
Github Issue: 502 on our ALB when traffic rate drops#13388
Fundamentally, the problem is that ALB is reusing connections that Envoy is closing. This is an inherent(固有) race condition with HTTP/1.1.
You need to configure theALB max connection
/idle timeout
to be <any envoy timeout
.To have no race conditions, the ALB needs to support
and have that be less than Envoy’s max connection duration. There is no way to fix this with Envoy.
- Envoy 调用
关闭了 socket。同时关闭了 fd。- 如果
时:- kernel 的 socket recv buffer 有数据未加载到 user-space ,那么 kernel 会发送 RST 给 downstream。原因是这数据是已经 TCP ACK 过的,而应用却丢弃了。
- 否则,kernel 发送 FIN 给 downstream.
- 由于关闭了 fd,这注定了如果 kernel 还在这个 TCP 连接上收到 TCP 数据包,就会丢弃且以
- 如果
- Envoy 发出了
- Envoy socket kernel 状态更新为
对于 Downstream 端,有两种可能:
- Downstream 所在 kernel 中的 socket 状态已经被 Envoy 发过来的
状态,但 Downstream 程序(user-space)中未更新(即未感知到CLOSE_WAIT
状态)。 - Downstream 所在 kernel 因网络延迟等问题,还未收到
所以 Downstream 程序 re-use 了这个 socket ,并发送 HTTP Request(假设拆分为多个 IP 包) 。结果都是在某个 IP 包到达 Envoy kernel 时,Envoy kernel 返回了 RST。于是 Downstream kernel 在收到 RST 后,也关闭了socket。所以从某个 socket write 开始均会失败。失败说明是类似 Upstream connection reset
. 这里需要注意的是, socket write()
是个异步的过程,不会等待对端的 ACK 就返回了。
- 一种可能是,某个
时发现失败。这更多是 http keepalive 的 http client library 的行为。或者是 HTTP Body 远远大于 socket sent buffer 时,分多 IP 包的行为。 - 一种可能是,直到
时,要等待 ACK 了,才发现失败。这更多是非 http keepalive 的 http client library 的行为。或者是 http keepalive 的 http client library 的最后一个请求时的行为。
从 HTTP 层面来看,有两种场景可能出现这个问题:
服务端过早关闭连接(Server Prematurely/Early Closes Connection)。
Downsteam 在 write HTTP Header 后,再 write HTTP Body。然而,Envoy 在未读完 HTTP Body 前,就已经 Write Response 且
了 socket。这叫服务端过早关闭连接(Server Prematurely/Early Closes Connection)
。别以为 Envoy 不会出现未完全读完 Request 就 write Response and close socket 的情况。最少有几个可能性:- 只需要 Header 就可以判断一个请求是非法的。所以大部分是返回 4xx/5xx 的 status code。
- HTTP Request Body 超过了 Envoy 的最大限制
Downstream 的 socket 状态可能是
的状态。但这个 HTTP Body 如果被 Envoy 的 Kernel 收到,由于 socket 已经执行过close(fd)
, socket 的文件 fd 已经关闭,所以 Kernel 直接丢弃 HTTP Body 且返回RST
给对端(因为 socket 的文件 fd 已经关闭,已经没进程可能读取到数据了)。这时,可怜的 Downstream 就会说:Connection reset by peer
之类的错误。 -
Envoy 调用
时,kernel 发现 kernel 的 socket buffer 未被 user-space 完全消费。这种情况下, kernel 会发送RST
给 Downstream。最终,可怜的 Downstream 就会在尝试write(fd)
时说:Connection reset by peer
之类的错误。见:Github Issue: http: not proxying 413 correctly#2929
+----------------+ +-----------------+ |Listner A (8000)|+---->|Listener B (8080)|+----> (dummy backend) +----------------+ +-----------------+
This issue is happening, because Envoy acting as a server (i.e. listener B in @lizan’s example) closes downstream connection with pending (unread) data, which results in TCP RST packet being sent downstream.
Depending on the timing, downstream (i.e. listener A in @lizan’s example) might be able to receive and proxy complete HTTP response before receiving TCP RST packet (which erases low-level TCP buffers), in which case client will receive response sent by upstream (413 Request Body Too Large in this case, but this issue is not limited to that response code), otherwise client will receive 503 Service Unavailable response generated by listener A (which actually isn’t the most appropriate response code in this case, but that’s a separate issue).
The common solution for this problem is to half-close downstream connection using ::
shutdown(fd_, SHUT_WR)
and then read downstream until EOF (to confirm that the other side received complete HTTP response and closed connection) orshort timeout
减少这种 race condition 的可行方法是:delay close socket。 Envoy 已经有相关的配置:delayed_close_timeout
Downstream 未感知到 HTTP Keepalive 的 Envoy 连接已经关闭,re-use 了连接。
上面提到的 Keepalive 连接复用的时候。Envoy 已经调用内核的
把 socket 变为FIN_WAIT_1/FIN_WAIT_2
的 状态,且已经发出FIN
。但 Downstream 未收到,或已经收到但应用未感知到,且同时 reuse 了这个 http keepalive 连接来发送 HTTP Request。在 TCP 协议层面看来,这是个half-close
连接,未 close 的一端的确是可以发数据到对端的。但已经调用过close(fd)
的 kernel (Envoy端) 在收到数据包时,直接丢弃且返回RST
给对端(因为 socket 的文件 fd 已经关闭,已经没进程可能读取到数据了)。这时,可怜的 Downstream 就会说:Connection reset by peer
之类的错误。- 减少这种 race condition 的可行方法是:让 Upstream 对端配置比 Envoy 更小的 timeout 时间。让 Upsteam 主动关闭连接。
Envoy 实现上的缓解
缓解 服务端过早关闭连接(Server Prematurely/Early Closes Connection)
Github Issue: http: not proxying 413 correctly #2929
In the case envoy is proxying large HTTP request, even upstream returns 413, the client of proxy is getting 503.
Github PR: network: delayed conn close #4382,增加了
配置。Mitigate client read/close race issues on downstream HTTP connections by adding a new connection
close type ‘FlushWriteAndDelay
’. This new close type flushes the write buffer on a connection but
does not immediately close after emptying the buffer (unlikeConnectionCloseType::FlushWrite
).A timer has been added to track delayed closes for both ‘
’ and ‘FlushWriteAndDelay
’. Upon
triggering, the socket will be closed and the connection will be cleaned up.Delayed close processing can be disabled by setting the newly added HCM ‘
config option to 0.Risk Level: Medium (changes common case behavior for closing of downstream HTTP connections)
Testing: Unit tests and integration tests added.
但上面的 PR 在缓解了问题的同时也影响了性能:
Github Issue: HTTP/1.0 performance issues #19821
I was about to say it’s probably delay-close related.
So HTTP in general can frame the response with one of three ways: content length, chunked encoding, or frame-by-connection-close.
If you don’t haven an explicit content length, HTTP/1.1 will chunk, but HTTP/1.0 can only frame by
connection close
(FIN).Meanwhile, there’s another problem which is that if a client is sending data, and the request has not been completely read, a proxy responds with an error and closes the connection, many clients will get a TCP RST (due to uploading after FIN(
)) and not actually read the response. That race is avoided withdelayed_close_timeout
.It sounds like Envoy could do better detecting if a request is complete, and if so, framing with immediate close and I can pick that up. In the meantime if there’s any way to have your backend set a
content length
that should work around the problem, or you can lower delay close in the interim.
于是需要再 Fix:
Github PR: http: reduce delay-close issues for HTTP/1.1 and below #19863
Skipping delay close for:
HTTP/1.0 framed by connection close (as it simply reduces time to end-framing)
as well as HTTP/1.1 if the request is fully read (so there’s no FIN-RST race)。即系如果
Addresses the Envoy-specific parts of #19821
Runtime guard:envoy.reloadable_features.skip_delay_close
同时出现在 Envoy 1.22.0 的 Release Note 里。需要注意的是,为了不影响性能,delayed_close_timeout 在很多情况下是不会生效的::
http: avoiding
- HTTP/1.0 responses framed by
connection: close
- as well as HTTP/1.1 if the request is fully read.
This means for responses to such requests, the FIN will be sent immediately after the response. This behavior can be temporarily reverted by setting
to false. If clients are seen to be receiving sporadic partial responses and flipping this flag fixes it, please notify the project immediately.
Envoy 向已被 Upstream 关闭的 Upstream 连接发送请求
Github Issue: Envoy (re)uses connection after receiving FIN from upstream #6815
With Envoy serving as HTTP/1.1 proxy, sometimes Envoy tries to reuse a connection even after receiving FIN from upstream. In production I saw this issue even with couple of seconds from FIN to next request, and Envoy never returned FIN ACK (just FIN from upstream to envoy, then PUSH with new HTTP request from Envoy to upstream). Then Envoy returns 503 UC even though upstream is up and operational.
一个经典场景的时序图:from https://medium.com/@phylake/why-idle-timeouts-matter-1b3f7d4469fe
图中 Reverse Proxy 可以理解为 Envoy.
- Upstream 对端调用
关闭了 socket。这注定了如果 kernel 还在这个 TCP 连接上收到数据,就会丢弃且以RST
回应。 - Upstream 对端发出了
- Upstream socket 状态更新为
对于 Envoy 端,有两种可能:
- Envoy 所在 kernel 中的 socket 状态已经被对端发过来的
状态,但 Envoy 程序(user-space)中未更新。 - Envoy 所在 kernel 因网络延迟等问题,还未收到
但 Envoy 程序 re-use 了这个 socket ,并发送(write(fd)
) HTTP Request(假设拆分为多个 IP 包) 。
- 在某一个 IP 包到达 Upstream 对端时,Upstream 返回了
。于是 Envoy 后继的 socketwrite
均可能会失败。失败说明是类似Upstream connection reset
. - 因为 socket
是有 send buffer 的,是个异步操作。可能只在收到 RST 的下一个 epoll event cycle 中,发生EV_CLOSED
事件,Envoy 才发现这个 socket 被 close 了。失败说明是类似Upstream connection reset
Envoy 社区在这个问题有一些讨论,只能减少可能,不可能完全避免:
Github Issue: HTTP1 conneciton pool attach pending request to half-closed connection #2715
The HTTP1 connection pool attach pending request when a response is complete. Though the upstream server may already closed the connection, this will result the pending request attached to it end up with 503.协议与配置上的应对之法:
HTTP/1.1 has this inherent timing issue. As I already explained, this is solved in practice by
a) setting Connection: Closed when closing a connection immediately and
b) having a reasonable idle timeout.
The feature @ramaraochavali is adding will allow setting the idle timeout to less than upstream idle timeout to help with this case. Beyond that, you should be using
router level retries
说到底,这种问题由于 HTTP/1.1 的设计缺陷,不可能完全避免。对于等幂的操作,还得依赖于 retry 机制。
Envoy 实现上的缓解
实现上,Envoy 社区曾经想用让 upstream 连接经历多次 epool event cycle 再复用的方法得到连接状态更新的事件。但这个方案不太好:
Github PR: Delay connection reuse for a poll cycle to catch closed connections.#7159(Not Merged)
So poll cycles are not an elegant way to solve this, when you delay N cycles, EOS may arrive in N+1-th cycle. The number is to be determined by the deployment so if we do this it should be configurable.
As noted in #2715, a retry (at Envoy level or application level) is preferred approach, #2715 (comment). Regardless of POST or GET, the status code 503 has a retry-able semantics defined in RFC 7231.
但最后,是用 connection re-use delay timer 的方法去实现:
All well behaving HTTP/1.1 servers indicate they are going to close the connection if they are going to immediately close it (Envoy does this). As I have said over and over again here and in the linked issues, this is well known timing issue with HTTP/1.1.
So to summarize, the options here are to:
Drop this change
Implement it correctly with an optional re-use delay timer.
Github PR: http: delaying attach pending requests #2871(Merged)
Another approach to #2715, attach pending request in next event after
.即系限制一个 Upstream 连接在一个 epoll event cycle 中,只能承载一个 HTTP Request。即一个连接不能在同一个 epoll event cycle 中被多个 HTTP Request re-use 。这样可以减少 kernel 中已经是
状态(取到 FIN) 的请求,Envoy user-space 未感知到且 re-use 来发请求的可能性。https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/pull/2871/files
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
@@ -209,25 +215,48 @@ void ConnPoolImpl::onResponseComplete(ActiveClient& client) { host_->cluster().stats().upstream_cx_max_requests_.inc(); onDownstreamReset(client); } else { - processIdleClient(client); // Upstream connection might be closed right after response is complete. Setting delay=true // here to attach pending requests in next dispatcher loop to handle that case. // https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/2715 + processIdleClient(client, true); } }
There’s an inherent race condition that an upstream can close a connection at any point and Envoy may not yet know, assign it to be used, and find out it is closed. We attempt to avoid that by returning all connections to the pool to give the kernel a chance to inform us of
but can’t avoid the race entirely.实现细节上,这个 Github PR 本身还有一个 bug ,在后面修正了:
Github Issue: Missed upstream disconnect leading to 503 UC#6190Github PR: http1: enable reads when final pipeline response received#6578
这里有个插曲,Istio 在 2019 年是自己 fork 了一个 envoy 源码的,自己去解决这个问题:Istio Github PR: Fix connection reuse by delaying a poll cycle. #73 。不过最后,Istio 还是回归原生的 Envoy,只加了一些必要的 Envoy Filter Native C++ 实现。
Istio 配置上缓解
Istio Github Issue: Almost every app gets UC errors, 0.012% of all requests in 24h period#13848
Linux 连接关闭的临界状态与异常逻辑
Socket 的关闭,听起来是再简单不过的事情,不就是一个 close(fd)
的调用吗? 下面慢慢道来。
Socket 关闭相关模型
研究 Socket 关闭也不例外。
图:Socket 关闭相关模型
上图是 机器A
与 机器B
建议了 TCP socket 的情况。以 机器A
- sott-IRQ/进程内核态 处理 IP 包接收
- socket 对象
- socket 对象相关的 send buffer
- socket 对象相关的 recv buffer
- 进程不直接访问 socket 对象,而是有个 VFS 层,以
File Descriptor(fd)
为句柄读写 socket- 一个 socket 可以被多个 fd 引用
- 进程以一个整数作为 fd 的 id ,在操作(调用kernel) 时带上这个 id 作为调用参数。
- 每个 fd 均有可独立关闭的 read channel 和 write channel
看完模型的静态元素后,说说模型的一些规则,这些规则在 kernel 程序中执行。且在下文中引用:
- socket FD read channel 关闭
- socket FD read channel 关闭时,如果发现
recv buffer
中有已经 ACK 的数据,未被应用(user-space)读取,将向对端发送RST
。详述在这:{ref}kernel/network/kernel-tcp/tcp-reset/tcp-reset:TCP RST and unread socket recv buffer
- socket FD read channel 关闭后,如果还收到对端的数据(TCP Half close),将丢弃,且无情地以
- socket FD read channel 关闭时,如果发现
相关的 TCP 协议知识
:::{figure-md} 图:TCP 一般关闭流程
:class: full-width

图:TCP 一般关闭流程 - from [TCP.IP.Illustrated.Volume.1.The.Protocols]
TCP Half-Close
TCP 是全双工连接。从协议设计上,是支持长期的,关闭一方 stream 的情况,保留另一方 stream 的情况的。还有个专门的术语:Half-Close
:::{figure-md} 图:TCP Half-Close 流程
:class: full-width

图:TCP Half-Close 流程 - from [TCP.IP.Illustrated.Volume.1.The.Protocols]
说白了,就是一方觉得自己不会再发数据了,就可以先 Close 了自己的 write stream,发 FIN 给对端,告诉它,我不会再发数据了。
socket fd 的关闭
[W. Richard Stevens, Bill Fenner, Andrew M. Rudoff - UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1] 一书中,说 socket fd 有两种关闭函数:
- close(fd)
- shutdown(fd)
[W. Richard Stevens, Bill Fenner, Andrew M. Rudoff - UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1] - 4.9 close Function
Since the reference count was still greater than 0, this call to close did not
initiate TCP’s four-packet connection termination sequence.
意思是, socket 是有 fd 的引用计数的。close 会减少引用计数。只在引用计数为 0 时,发会启动连接关闭流程(下面描述这个流程)。
The default action of close with a TCP socket is to mark the socket as closed and return to the process immediately. The fd is no longer usable by the process: It cannot be used as an argument to read or write. But, TCP will try to send any data that is already queued to be sent to the other end, and after this occurs, the normal TCP connection termination sequence takes place.
we will describe theSO_LINGER
socket option, which lets us change this default action with a TCP socket.
意思是:这个函数默认会立即返回。关闭了的 fd ,将不可以再读写。kernel 在后台,会启动连接关闭流程,在所有 socket send buffer 都发送完后,最后发 FIN 给对端。
这里暂时不说 SO_LINGER
其实是同时关闭了 fd 的 read channel
与 write channel
socket FD read channel 关闭后,如果还收到对端的数据,将丢弃,且无情地以
如果用 close(fd)
方法关闭了一个 socket后(调用返回后),对端因未收到 FIN,或虽然收到 FIN 但认为只是 Half-close TCP connection 而继续发数据过来的话,kernel 将无情地以 RST

图:关闭的 socket 收到数据,以 RST 回应 - from [UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1] - SO_LINGER Socket Option
这是 TCP 协议设计上的一个“缺陷”。FIN 只能告诉对端我要关闭出向流
的,且这个关闭在 TCP 层面无法通知对方,所以就出现误会了。
[UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1] - 6.6 shutdown Function
The action of the function depends on the value of the howto argument.
The read half of the connection is closed—No more data can be
received on the socket and any data currently in the socket receive buffer is discarded. The process can no longer issue any of the read functions on the socket. Any data received after this call for a TCP socket is acknowledged and then silently discarded. -
The write half of the connection is closed—In the case of TCP, this is
called ahalf-close
(Section 18.5 of TCPv1). Any data currently in the socket send buffer will be sent, followed by TCP’s normal connection termination sequence. As we mentioned earlier, this closing of the write half is done regardless of whether or not the socket descriptor’s reference count is currently greater than 0. The process can no longer issue any of the write functions on the socket. -
The read half and the write half of the connection are both closed — This is equivalent to calling shutdown twice: first with
and then withSHUT_WR
[UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1] - 6.6 shutdown Function
The normal way to terminate a network connection is to call the
function. But,
there are two limitations with close that can be avoided with shutdown:
decrements the descriptor’s reference count and closes the socket only if
reaches 0. We talked about this in Section 4.8.With
, we can initiate TCP’s normal connection termination sequence (the four segments
beginning with a FIN), regardless of thereference count
terminates both directions of data transfer, reading and writing. Since a TCP connection is full-duplex, there are times when we want to tell the other end that we have finished sending, even though that end might have more data to send us(即系 Half-Close TCP connection).
可以选择双工中的一个方向关闭 fd。一般来说有两种使用场景:
- 只关闭出向(write)的,实现
Half close TCP
- 同时关闭出向与入向(write&read)

图:TCP Half-Close shutdown(fd) 流程 - from [UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1]
[UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1] -
Socket OptionThis option specifies how the
function operates for a connection-oriented proto-
col (e.g., for TCP and SCTP, but not for UDP). By default, close returns immediately, but if there is any data still remaining in the socket send buffer, the system will try to deliver the data to the peer. 默认的close(fd)
- 函数立刻返回。kernel 后台开启正常的关闭流程:异步发送在 socket send buffer 中的数据,最后发送 FIN。
- 如果 socket receive buffer 中有数据,数据将丢弃。
,顾名思义,就是 “徘徊” 的意思。
是一个 socket option,定义如下:
如下影响 close(fd)
is 0, the option is turned off. The value ofl_linger
is ignored and
the previously discussed TCP default applies:close
returns immediately. 这是协默认的行为。 -
is nonzero
is zero, TCP aborts the connection when it is closed (pp. 1019 – 1020 of TCPv2). That is, TCP discards any data still remaining in thesocket send buffer
and sends anRST
to the peer, not the normal four-packet connection termination sequence . This avoids TCP’sTIME_WAIT
state, but in doing so, leaves open the possibility of another incarnation of this connection being created within 2MSL seconds and having old duplicate segments from the just-terminated connection being incorrectly delivered to the new incarnation.(即,通过 RST 实现本地 port 的快速回收。当然,有副作用) -
is nonzero, then the kernel will linger when the socket is closed (p. 472 of TCPv2). That is, if there is any data still remaining in thesocket send buffer
, the process is put to sleep until either: (即,进程在调用close(fd)
时,会等待发送成功ACK 或 timeout)- all the data is sent and acknowledged by the peer TCP
- or the linger time expires.
If the socket has been set to nonblocking, it will not wait for the
to complete, even if the linger time is nonzero.When using this feature of the
option, it is important for the application to check the return value fromclose
, because if the linger time expires before the remaining data is sent and acknowledged,close
and any remain ing data in thesend buffer
is discarded.(即开启了后,如果在 timeout 前还未收到 ACK,socket send buffer 中的数据可能丢失)
close/shutdown 与 SO_LINGER 小结
[UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1] -
Socket Option
Function | Description |
shutdown , SHUT_RD |
No more receives can be issued on socket; process can still send on socket; socket receive buffer discarded; any further data received is discarded no effect on socket send buffer. |
shutdown , SHUT_WR (这是大部分使用 shutdown 的场景) |
No more sends can be issued on socket; process can still receive on socket; contents of socket send buffer sent to other end, followed by normal TCP connection termination (FIN); no effect on socket receive buffer. |
close , l_onoff = 0(default) |
No more receives or sends can be issued on socket; contents of socket send buffer sent to other end. If descriptor reference count becomes 0: - normal TCP connection termination (FIN) sent following data in send buffer. - socket receive buffer discarded.(即丢弃 recv buffer 未被 user space 读取的数据。注意:对于 Linux 如果是已经 ACK 的数据未被 user-space 读取,将发送 RST 给对端) |
close , l_onoff = 1l_linger = 0 |
No more receives or sends can be issued on socket. If descriptor reference count becomes 0: - RST sent to other end; connection state set to CLOSED(no TIME_WAIT state); - socket send buffer and socket receive buffer discarded. |
close , l_onoff = 1l_linger != 0 |
No more receives or sends can be issued on socket; contents of socket send buffer sent to other end. If descriptor reference count becomes 0:- normal TCP connection termination (FIN) sent following data in send buffer; - socket receive buffer discarded; and if linger time expires before connection CLOSED, close returns EWOULDBLOCK. and any remain ing data in the send buffer is discarded.(即开启了后,如果在 timeout 前还未收到 ACK,socket send buffer 中的数据可能丢失) |